Oge Marques, Ph.D.

Computer Science

Dr. Oge Marques is a Professor of Engineering and Computer Science at Florida Atlantic University. He is a world-renowned expert in the field of Visual Artificial Intelligence. Dr. Marques is an ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Distinguished Speaker, a Sigma Xi Distinguished Lecturer, and a Fellow of the Leshner Leadership Institute of the AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science). He has won several teaching awards, including the John J. Guarrera Engineering Educator of the Year Award, The Engineers’ Council, West Palm Beach, FL (2019), the Outstanding Mid-Career Teaching Award, American Society for Engineering Education – Southeastern Section (ASEE-SE) (2011) and the Excellence and Innovation in Undergraduate Teaching Award, Florida Atlantic University, three times (2018, 2011 and 2004). He is the author of 10 technical books, one patent, and 120 scientific articles in his fields of expertise, has more than 35 years of teaching experience in different countries, and is a Senior Member of both the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery).

Can You Trust What You See?

Vision is our most developed sense and one upon which we rely to make many decisions, conscious or otherwise. Many of our everyday interactions, such as driving a car, greeting familiar faces on the street, and deciding which dish to order at a restaurant or which brand of products to purchase online, are guided by our visual sense. For the most part, this works well. But sometimes we are reminded of our visual system’s limitations and surprising behavior through visual illusions that exploit misjudgments in size, distance, depth, color and brightness, among many others. This one-time lecture will explore several visual perception phenomena that challenge our common knowledge of how well we detect, recognize, compare, measure, and interpret everyday scenes. Participants will be introduced to a series of visual perception phenomena with applications in everyday life, such as: the use of negative space in logos, the impact of salient colors in product packages, the effectiveness of banner ads in web sites, our ability to recognize familiar faces even when they are severely blurred, and the importance of context to recognize familiar objects, among many others. Adopting a lighthearted and humorous approach, and using a rich set of images and videos, Dr. Marques will present a large number of examples of optical illusions and other visual phenomena that will make you wonder: can you really trust what you see?

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Register Early! There is a $5 charge for registering on the day of a one-time lecture or event.

Course # F1M2 — One Time Event
Place:Auditorium, Lifelong Learning Complex, Jupiter Campus
Dates:Monday, October 19 2020
Time:2:30 - 4 PM
Fee:$30 / member; $35 / non-member

Register Now
 Last Modified 2/12/15