Mark Schug, Ph.D.


Mark C. Schug, Ph.D., is Professor Emeritus at the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee and President of Mark Schug Consulting. Professor Schug earned his Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota and taught for over 36 years. His primary focus is on economics and financial education. He has written and edited over 230 publications, including over 125 articles in several national journals and over 25 books and monographs as author or co-author. Most recently, he served as co-editor of “Teaching Economics in Troubled Times,” published by Routledge Press, and as co-author of the national award-winning book, “Economic Episodes in American History” (with William C. Wood), published by Wohl Publishing. Professor Schug has spoken to local, state and national groups throughout the United States and abroad. He has received four national awards for leadership, curriculum writing, service and research in economic education.

The Economic Thoughts and Actions of President George Washington

How George Washington Built the Nation’s Prosperity

Many of you have seen “Hamilton: An American Musical.” To the audience, Alexander Hamilton seems larger than life. He takes all of the oxygen out of the room!

But Hamilton did not appoint himself to be the first Secretary of the Treasury. That was President George Washington’s move. Washington knew the challenges. When he was elected president in 1789, the economy was a basket case. The nation and the states held huge debts with no practical way to pay them. Access to additional credit from Europe was highly uncertain. American trade relationships with Britain had to be reset. The nation faced domestic threats (the Whiskey Rebellion) as well as foreign threats from Britain and Spain.

Washington was a diligent entrepreneur. His farm – Mount Vernon – was frequently on his mind during the Revolution, after the war, and while he served as President. Even as he grew personally wealthy, however, he set the course for national prosperity. He knew he could not command prosperity. Only a free people could do that. Instead, he insisted on rule of law, fiscal stability, national unity, and peace.

Come learn more about the economic thought of President George Washington.
Register Early! There is a $5 charge for registering on the day of a one-time lecture or event.

Course # F1T8 — One Time Event
Place:Auditorium, Lifelong Learning Complex, Jupiter Campus
Dates:Tuesday, December 4 2018
Time:9:30 - 11 AM
Fee:$25 / member; $35 / non-member

Register Now

All-Star Panel of Economists Analyzes Happenings in the News

Get the Latest Economic Analysis of the Headlines

Our All-Star panel of Florida Atlantic University Economists returns to Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at FAU, Jupiter to provide economic insights into the latest news reports. Where is the economy heading in terms of overall growth, employment and regulation? What are the latest developments regarding monetary policy and the new leadership at the Federal Reserve? What are the hottest issues on the international scene and how may they impact the domestic economy?

The All-Star panelists are:
  • Daniel Gropper, Dean of the College of Business, FAU
  • Professor Keith Jakee, Economics, Wilkes Honor College, FAU
  • Professor Kanybek Nur-tegin, Economics, Wilkes Honor College, FAU
  • Professor Mark C. Schug, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Emeritus and FAU Adjunct Professor of Economics
While it is difficult to predict exactly what the news will be in the fall of 2018, rest assured that whatever the latest economic policies and controversies are, those will be the focus of the panelists.
Register Early! There is a $5 charge for registering on the day of a one-time lecture or event.

Course # F1T5 — One Time Event
Place:Auditorium, Lifelong Learning Complex, Jupiter Campus
Dates:Tuesday, November 13 2018
Time:4:30 - 6:30 PM
Fee:$25 / member; $35 / non-member

Register Now
 Last Modified 2/12/15