Steven Caras


Steven Caras danced with the New York City Ballet for fourteen years under the leadership of its legendary founder, George Balanchine. During this period, Caras cultivated his interest in photography which led to a luminous second career as the preeminent dance photographer of his time. His archive today is considered to be one of the most important dance photography collections in the history of the art form. The Emmy Award-winning PBS documentary, “Steven Caras: See Them Dance,” places a special emphasis on the artistry and historical significance of his unique photographic canon of work.

Caras plays a critical role in Palm Beach County philanthropy, serving as a trustee on a private foundation along with work as founding chairman of two charities. He travels extensively as a guest speaker and teacher, yet when home in West Palm, he appears regularly as a featured lecturer and interview moderator at The Kravis Center. In his current TED Talk, Caras stresses the importance of recognizing and acting on the need in others. In 2014, he received the Career Transition for Dancers “Heart & Soul Award.” In 2016, Caras joined the team at Rosie’s Theater Kids™ in New York — one of Manhattan’s key student outreach programs.

Staying Power: A Balanchine Dancer's Story of Survival

Generously Sponsored by Rita Stein

Intrigued by Steven Caras’ extraordinary Renaissance man career in the arts since his early years as a dancer and later privileged photographer with the New York City Ballet, Emmy Award-winning documentary artists Witek and Novak singled him out, knowing there had to be much more beneath the glittering surface. The filmmakers’ next hour-long Emmy-winner, “Steven Caras: See Them Dance,” proved just that, giving public television audiences nationwide a poignant, albeit subtle, glimpse at the oft-challenging life of a strong-minded boy who had to dance during a time when any guy in tights (Shakespearean productions aside) could not escape unscathed.

In his presentation, Caras will boldly pick up where the film left off, sharing professional and personal milestones and setbacks via compelling, uncensored tales beginning with his mockridden childhood and struggles with sexuality, to his days as a dancer during the true golden era of dance in America under the leadership of ballet’s towering genius, George Balanchine.

His career as a dance photographer was the second of many subsequent callings, yet no easier nor less complicated than dancing, not to mention the chapters ahead. Caras’ innate staying power — something he recognized years later as a true gift — is an enduring topic throughout his presentation.

Inspiring, insightful, profoundly moving and hilariously funny all at the appropriate moments, Caras’ colorful journey will be accompanied by a PowerPoint showing of his breathtaking work.

A light reception will follow the lecture.
Register Early! There is a $5 charge for registering on the day of a one-time lecture or event.

Course # W1R2 — One Time Event
Place:Auditorium, Lifelong Learning Complex, Jupiter Campus
Dates:Thursday, January 12 2017
Time:11:15 - 12:45 PM
Fee:$25 / member; $35 / non-member

Register Now
 Last Modified 2/12/15